We want to participate in the biggest challenge of life, life itself

This is the the real thing.

It is incomparable.

We stop thinking caring for a dog is meaningful.

We start participating in the biggest challenge for us; the life of another, reliant, human.

Have fun. Share fun. What a funny word fun is.

Now the work merges with the fun.

We are the fortunate ones.

And we can start a sentence with 'and'.

And we can share this challenge and this joy.

Lesson 3. PK. May 2019


  1. Astounding insights are revealed by this blgger. Makes Dr Spock look like someone out of touch and from outer space! If we all brought our children up this way, what a cazuer world we all would live in!

    1. Seals has the insight required to swat blowflies whilst calling them 'dirty filthy catholics'


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