Jim: The Glue in the Medical Advice

 Good morning.

This is the first in a very long series of advice to the Australian public from the famous Jim Glu.

For reasons of protecting Jim's privacy (he doesn't do house calls and only gives advice if he loves you and he is dining with you at a restaurant) we are not divulging his full name - but you know who he is.

Today's advice: (verbatim)

From the Oracle:


"I don't know what that 'kn Andrews was up to - at last he's woken up. Let the poor bastards go. You can't keep them locked up forever"

[overheard at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, Wednesday last, to an audience of 6 enjoying Tasmanian fresh scallops, the chicken schnitzel, and a good steak].


So, distilling this pithy comment to its intense essence, Jim has long been of the view that the Premier of Victoria (Jim's home state) is a tool of external forces, a semi-sub moron, and thus picked by the Unionists so that they can manipulate him. The current lock up of Victorians has been going on for 200 days. 

Jim has long been an advocate for a guided opening up of businesses and social facilities. This present apparent backflip by the Premier, his admission that zero covid will not be possible, means Jim is, once again, proven correct.

However, there is a temporal aspect which Jim might be accused of ignoring. Slow re-opening enables hospital/health facilities a better chance of coping with the influx of covid patients, and the dislodgement of otherwise deserving cases for medical attention.

Your commentator advises: slowly slowly catch the monkey. It is a new environment, we weren't expecting it, and each of many leaders can have different views of how to manage this, without necessarily being 'wrong'.

As to 'Andrews' - well, I guess that is simply political.

Bonnie the Dog says "keep a stiff upper lip".


  1. Ah Jim Glu - the wise and wonderful. Good business man - does that translate to a competitive edge on the Premier???


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