
In readiness for Nixon Street Combination

 A short report today. Before I forget. I'd like us to learn to dine together regularly and in harmony, with similar meals from a single preparation - showing thereby respect for the chef d'jour and each other. And, in particular, providing discipline and in short time, comfort to young children [Harper initially]. Also, adults cooperate and share. Love is improved and extended, not simply being a fashion of family.

This is a moment...

 I'm going through my miscellaneous scrap folder, in the hope to one day clear out my front room, so someone can walk in there, sit down, read a book, lie down and have sleep, etc. Meanwhile, this first step for humankind... 50th page in, and to be kept, is a hand written note, by me, dated 0610hrs 5th December 2018.  It is then annotated with a further note dated 'and now 26th December 2018'. This is a moment Similar to realising how lovely is music Camille and Alex are with Child. Recently. Floods of memory and circumstance. I am sorry. I do not know why. But you start so afresh. Parents. Children It only matters - who cares. We care. Then the note of 'and now 26th Dec 2018': Soon this embryo will be stable enough  that the parents may celebrate and extend  the news that it will most likely grow to be human.

Jim: The Glue in the Medical Advice

 Good morning. This is the first in a very long series of advice to the Australian public from the famous Jim Glu. For reasons of protecting Jim's privacy (he doesn't do house calls and only gives advice if he loves you and he is dining with you at a restaurant) we are not divulging his full name - but you know who he is. Today's advice: (verbatim) From the Oracle: THE HEALTH ADVICE "I don't know what that 'kn Andrews was up to - at last he's woken up. Let the poor bastards go. You can't keep them locked up forever" .  [overheard at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, Wednesday last, to an audience of 6 enjoying Tasmanian fresh scallops, the chicken schnitzel, and a good steak]. COMMENTARY So, distilling this pithy comment to its intense essence, Jim has long been of the view that the Premier of Victoria (Jim's home state) is a tool of external forces, a semi-sub moron, and thus picked by the Unionists so that they can manipulate him. The current

Matters of Argument

Argument is a good method of resolving differing opinions. We also find that we are emotionally or personally, subjectively attached to a result, and we use argument to try to persuade others to our opinion. Take for example the Presidential (sic) Debates occurring in the USA this month. The two debates are arguing. They are trying to express their best view of their preferences (ie that they, respectively, be voted by more people of the country to be the next president). Bad or difficult or fraught debate is unattractive and unpersuasive. Was anyone persuaded by the first Presidential Debate? There is a listening audience. They also might have opinions, one way or another, undecided or don't care, in regard to the matter being disputed/argued. Sometimes there is no decision maker: the argument is between the decision makers - who are welded into a deadlock. Sometimes that deadlock is broken by one party to a two party argument appearing to give up. They might not give up on their

On Caring for the Spouse

This message is predominantly aimed at mothers. That is, the women who normally give birth to children. It is short and simple. If your spouse (whatever legal or societal status he may have) is a relatively good person, cultivate him. Put manure around his feet so he will grow tall. Feed him meat. Allow him to look lustfully on your body, etc. Give him the benefit of the doubt in all matters. For example, if he comes home late at night with vomit all down his shirt front, assume someone else did it to him. That's it for now.

On Resisting the Jealousy of Others

New born children take a lot of care. There is a lot to do to ensure the child survives and thrives. Notwithstanding the father wishes to do lots - he is to some extent detached because He can't be a nursing mother; He didn't carry the growing feotus in his stomach for 9 months prior to birth through a part of his body usually used for other purposes.  Now, the time after is long. Babies grow to youngsters, children talk, and walk, argue and urinate behind trees on pathways where other people are.  What I'm getting at, is that the journey is long, and the responsibility large, and there is no straight path to doing the best. Forget about the father for a minute. The mother may find that people she spent lots of time with before have to be sidelined a bit for an indefinite time. Also, communication might be shortened, and might be direct and directive. There may be perceived needs which dictate that the mother tell others what is going to happen, in li

Kids are programmed to whine

How Children Evolved To Whine And how to stop them from driving you bonkers. By Jessica Grose Oct. 9, 2019, 8:34 a.m. ET Little kids are diabolically engineered to make their parents do what they want. That’s the overwhelming impression I got when I talked to a bunch of academics about the origins of whining. “Children are good at co-opting whatever arsenal of behaviors they have” to get parental attention, said James A. Green, Ph.D., a University of Connecticut psychology professor who studies early social development. The scholars I spoke to agreed that whining was both an under-researched area in developmental psychology, and such common kid behavior that it was likely a cultural universal. Even certain types of monkeys whine, said Rose Sokol-Chang, Ph.D., who studied whining at Clark University, and now works at the American Psychological Association. Monkey and human children alike use “whining to bridge a gap with an adult,” said Dr. Sokol-Chang — which is to say, th