
Showing posts from April, 2019

How to do what you can to raise ideal kids who are good to themselves, their parents and good company to others

This is my noble aim. I will deliver it in the 3rd person omniscient narration literary style. That carries with it apparent greater gravity, significance and objective authority. What is said, however, will remain mere passing notes - inherently built around personal opinion, perhaps misguided, or not thought out fully, and at times - certainly - wrong. But even a clock which is stopped is correct two times a day. First lesson Your child might be a boy or a girl. It is unlikely to be a coconut, a pig or even an elephant. In many ways raising boys and girls is the same task. Food, shelter, education, health, companionship and love. Whatever it  she is (for this lesson I will use male or female as the mood takes me), for her comfort, enjoyment, to be able to be easily liked and enjoyed, to be good company, to give and receive equally, and to encourage others to wish to enjoin, spend time, assist, and indeed love, you must ensure the child gains an outward focus. Inherently intr